Sophisticated Built

Sculptural Illumination

Pleasant, glare-free illumination delivered via sculptural fixtures.
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Industrial Design

Geometric forms rendered in industrial, cast aluminum.

Sophisticated Built

Pleasant, glare-free illumination delivered via sculptural fixtures.

Superb Finish

Cast aluminum with a smooth, warm and tactile finish.

Outstanding Design

The Cast Lighting Series’ aesthetic presence rivals its versatility.

Such is the nature of the Cast Lighting Series. Designers Tom Chung and Jordan Murphy based the first designs – the Cast Pendants – on age-old plumb weights that masons and carpenters have been hanging from lines since ancient Egyptian times to establish a true vertical.

The series also channels philosophy of soft minimalism, offsetting strict, geometric forms rendered in industrial, cast aluminum with a smooth, warm and tactile finish.

Connected Spaces

Redefine how we use space

Top designers and craftspeople around the world to create contemporary furniture, lighting and accessories that are clean, clever and natural.

30 days return

Irony vape green juice pop-up pork belly.

Editor Picks

Irony vape green juice pop-up pork belly, kitsch shabby chic. Williamsburg letterpress 90’s.

  • S/ 380.00

    Nuestro Soporte está diseñado para ahorrar espacio en tu escritorio.

    Es un soporte elegante vertical para 2  portatiles.

    La madera de primera calidad y acero inoxidable brindan un peso ideal para y maniobrarlo facilmente, está protegido por un forro de fieltro de lana.

  • S/ 250.00

    Nuestra Bandeja de escritorio te permitirá organizar tus accesorios esenciales de manerae facil y rápida. Sus acabados son de primera calidad, corcho mecanizado macizo como superficie, aluminio como base.

  • S/ 290.00

    Nuestro Mouse Pad de madera, aluminio y cuero curtido flexible para usar con el mouse, cuenta con una bandeja de bolígrafos de madera lijado.

    El soporte de aluminio le permite brindar una base firme, un pie de corcho protege tu escritorio.

  • S/ 350.00

    Nuestro soporte está diseñado para sostener tu IPAD en el ángulo correcto para verlo y trabajar.

    Está construido con madera de primera calidad, acero inoxidable y fieltro de lana para proteger tu dispositivo.

    Nuestro diseño clásico le dará una atmósfera unica a tu espacio de trabajo.

Connected Spaces

Redefine how we use space

Top designers and craftspeople around the world to create contemporary furniture, lighting and accessories that are clean, clever and natural.


Designer’s Portfolio

The Cast Lighting Series’ aesthetic presence rivals its versatility.

Square Design

Green Fashion

Shades of Beige

Spring Blossom